Monday, August 25, 2008

mixed emotions

i never really understood what people meant when they talked about feeling the highest of highs and the lowest of the same time...until Africa. Africa has become this place where i feel more at home, more energized and more broken that i have ever felt. there have not been a huge number of times in my life that i have heard God speak more clearly than times involving Africa. for the past two years, i have fought so hard against the idea of going and living in Africa. i have a wonderful family, an incredible church and the most amazing friends-why would i leave? why go now?
i am just as excited as i am sad to be going; more sad to leave the people i love than anything else. people have surprised me though. in the amount of encouragement and support that i have been shown what i have shared about Africa. i have been told that the excitement and passion i have for Africa is contagious and is very clear when i am asked about Africa.
at the end of the day, i want to do what God has called me to do. i am done fighting and am ready to go. God has called me and my family to do His work in Africa. this became clear to me when i visited Mozambique, Africa last November. i knew i would be coming back the moment i stepped off the plane in Maputo, Mozambique and felt like it was home.
when i stopped fighting with God to stay here and opened myself up to the possibility of moving; i felt a sense of purpose for my life. some might say "peace" but i felt a purpose to use everything i have done and learned in my life to help the Mozambiquan people. there are times when i feel pretty sad and overwhelmed at what i will need to do in the next year but then i see pictures of my trip or read our teammates blog of what is already happening and feel excited for the future. it is not everyday that God is so clear and so specific...i have to go and i have to go now!


Danica Favorite said...

I love your heart. Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Mozambique is perfect for you, and for your family. Your kiddos are awesome, and they're totally going to love it. Better tell Abigail not to find another husband while you're there though :) Seriously, you wanted to bring all those babies home with you, so, the best thing you can do for them is go to them. I am so proud of you! I can imagine the decision to go was not an easy one, but it was the right one. I'm so excited to see all the things that God accomplishes through you! I miss you now, and I think I'll miss you more once I know you're not just 8 hours and a visit to CO away. But, I have to say when I heard the news, my first thought, was that's perfect for them, so I'm really excited to see what happens from here! I love you friend.

Heather said...

amen and amen!

Rikki said...

hi amy,

you know i can relate. sometimes i can't stand to think of the day we say goodbye to our friends and family, but when i think of our time in Asia and how ready we sometimes feel to just "be there," then i know that it will be okay.

glad i found your blog! hopefully we can encourage each other during this time of transition!